Request for feedback: Compounding Maturity Proposal

Taxation seems to be the main driver for this proposal.

I am convinced that changing business economics of an entity to optimise for taxation to benefit a subset of current stakeholders of that entity is not a good idea in general.

I state this as a generalised rule I believe in. That said, I think it very much applies to the Internet Computer taxation discussion currently going on.

Even more so, as the Internet Computer is designed to be a GLOBAL compute platform for decades to come.

Global, trusted, fair, predictable, decentralised.

So, why mess with economics so early in the life of IC to optimise taxation for one (albeit large) country?

What about the other 190+ countries globally? Do we invent and implement tax optimised solutions for all of them, too? Is this leading to a in-fight between IC communities in different jurisdictions!? Instead of working together to make and keep IC successful?

How many taxation changes are happing every year around the globe? Dozens!? Do we change course every time a taxation change might effect IC holders somewhere on the globe?

Would small country communities ever be able to win enough votes for their (globally marginally representative) needs regarding taxation changes?

We are very early into IC.

Don’t mess with it now, while decentralisation is still very weak!

I suggest an alternative route: invest into educating your countries tax authorities. This is something everybody globally can do. Without messing with a global platform in the interest of few!


Member of the 8 year gang