Proposals to Increase Voting Participation on Governance Topics

The daily governance proposal campaign is now complete. It ran for 29 days. The first 15 days were subject to the original proposal weights, which were all equal. The last 14 days of the campaign were subject to changes in the default Followee configuration for the Governance topic as well as the new proposal topic weights that affect voting rewards. These changes were approved with proposal 34485 in December 2021 and implemented on 2/15/22 with proposal 44947.

A list of all the daily governance proposals has been published and each of them can be found on the dashboard. Since each of the proposals were intended to be educational, the IC community can reference them to learn more about how to participate in governance and how to maximize voting rewards. In the coming weeks a more detailed analysis of the background, goals, and results of this campaign will be published.

The plot below shows changes in voting participation that occurred throughout this campaign. As expected, a sharp increase occurred after the tokenomics incentives were implemented. It is evident that voting participation on governance proposals is now at approx 45% of total voting power and will likely go up from there on future governance proposals. The daily governance proposals are shown in blue while various other governance proposals that were submitted in this timeframe are shown in red. All proposals were adopted except ICDevs during this time frame.


Awesome job with the campaign! I’ll be happy to poke the dragon again to try to get us over 50%. :joy:. After a break, of course, what’s next?


I’m still trying to make sure I’ve got this correct, but I’m not sure all of the increases in governance participation are organic and decentralizing.

DFINITY and the ICA have started voting in governance proposals, that seems to be why there’s a sharp uptick in participation. If I’m not mistaken this is the opposite of what we wanted to happen.

Am I interpreting the dashboard incorrectly? It looks like DFINITY and the ICA have started voting at least since proposal 46398 (just because I can see their vote in the UI). But I imagine they started voting before that. Seems to me like the huge increase is from DFINITY and the ICA voting.


Neurons 27 and 28 voted on proposals starting on 2/21 in the plot. Their votes did cause a lot of voting power to be executed. I have no idea how much voting power was cast by neurons they control versus neurons that follow them through liquid democracy.

Excluding that big jump, there are interesting trends in the positive direction before and after that jump that is not likely to be attributed to DF and ICA.

Personally, I don’t have any issue with DF and ICA casting votes at their own discretion on governance proposals. It makes sense for them to vote for what they believe is in the long term best interest of the IC like everyone else.

The community focus should be on continuing to increase voter participation to further improve decentralized governance decisions. There is still a lot of voting power that is not voting.


My main issue is that they had publicly committed to not voting on governance proposals (actually, did they ever commit to this?) and then started voting with no explanation (explanation coming soon: What process does the DFINITY foundation use to vote on NNS proposals? - #4 by diegop).

I agree as long as we’re on the path to decentralization and they don’t have too much voting power, I am fine with DFINITY/ICA voting.


Thank you for the information.

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