[Proposal] Reducing minimum staking time for expanding governance participation

From the @wpb 's AltProp argument implies that the proposal is not willing to give more voting power to participants that not ‘maximalist’ enough because not willing to stake for longer period (> 5 years), instead punishing the medium DD participants (< 5 years) by subsidizing their reward to short (<6 month DD) & longer term participants (>5 years)
My argument is if ICP wants to be a general purpose ecosystem that onboarding many kind of participants from different background, it should give more fair voting power also to non-maximalist participants. This is to ensure, that the ICP goals are not just strategically for long term objectives, but also give more considerations & attention to achieve short-medium objectives.
From the NRProp vs AltProp, I see NRProp will be a better route. AltProp is a bit radical, and will stir disturbance for governance participants with DD < 5 years.
If the AltProp prop argument is to encourage shot-medium DD participants to increase their DD to 8 years, I don’t think this will be the case.