Proposal: Permit transfer of neuron ownership

I appreciate the directness, @ImagineChadParadigm. I actually presented this idea on an internal Notion page at DFINITY several months before launch, so it has been on my mind for quite some time. The other day in the thread New protocol rewards thoughts - #3 by jwiegley someone brought up an idea for improving participation by changing rewards, and there I presented this idea of neuron trading as a way to (possibly) increase participation without touching rewards at all. Then I thought, why not, I’ll present the proposal in a fuller form and solicit feedback to see what people’s ideas are.

I am very much committed to the long-term success of our network, and have no desire to sell my 8 year neurons at a discount. What I would hope to see from this proposal is that an ability to trade money for time would shift the population of neuron holders from seed investors who may not have a great deal of interest in governance, to those willing to buy tranches of those neurons at a discount in order to increase their own voting power.