@wpb Good question. I had not clarified this specific detail, but will give my interpretation of how I imagine things working out.
All votes cast on incubating proposals count towards reaching the 2% minimum support threshold. Once a proposal reaches the minimum support threshold, any votes that were cast in support are now applied as “Approve” votes towards the live proposal. This means that a vote of support during the incubation period automatically applies as a vote of support if that proposal reaches 2%, and subsequently any voters that supported the proposal during the incubation period are rewarded at the end of the live vote.
Let me give two examples for clarity:
- Example 1:
- Voter A votes in support of incubating proposal P1. Voter B does not vote to support incubating proposal P1
- P1 reaches the 2% minimum support threshold, and goes to a live vote. At this point the proposal time remaining for P1 is reset, and wait for quiet rules are applied in order.
- At this point, Voter A’s vote of support of P1 while it was incubating will be applied to the live vote for P1. Voter A will receive rewards regardless of if the live vote passes or not, Voter B will need to vote on P1 to receive rewards
- Example 2:
- Voter A votes in support of incubating proposal P1. Voter B does not vote to support incubating proposal P1
- P1 fails to reach the 2% minimum support threshold within the 2 week incubation period, and drops off the ballot.
- Neither Voter A nor Voter B receive and governance rewards.
This proposal is very similar to (Proposal to restrict rewards qualification to a threshold) in many ways, but differs in how incubating proposals are treated differently than live NNS proposals in the following ways:
- Incubating proposals stay open for 2 weeks, whereas live proposals stay open according to wait for quiet rules
- Incubating proposals can only be approved (or ignored), whereas live proposals can be approved, rejected, or ignored
I see the major difference (in terms of backend implementation) as the amount of time that proposal is available, and ensuring that reject votes cannot be cast until an incubating proposal goes live.
I’m curious what the community thinks about automatically counting a support vote on an incubating proposal as an “Approve” vote on the live proposal should that proposal reach the 2% minimum support threshold. The alternative would be to make voters vote again the proposal when it goes live, which I don’t believe is necessary. I’m inclined towards the former, but this isn’t a make or break decision in my opinion. I’ll update the initial post to clarify once there’s more consensus and feedback around how this will work.