NNS improvements

Unless the security of the internet identity changes to it being suitable for neuron management of high value, I would be loath to use the NNS DAPP for neuron management. Currently it( internet identity) is not secure as per conclusions in this topic here(Internet Identity Lack Of Security) as the custodian of significant store of value.

For the tech savvy, there is a way to circumvent this expiration of followee every three months through the means that has been demonstrated here(Auto Merging without NNS Dapp). While that topic is about auto-merging, the underlying mechanisms can be used to automatically add followee say every 2.8 months; thereby completely defeating the expiring followees mechanism. This will be exactly the mechanism that I will follow if I am forced to.

It seems draconian to force non-tech savvy people to use an insecure mechanism for continuously updating the followees every three months.


Hi @Zane, did your ideas move forward? Your concerns about stake dominance meaning a tiny number of ICP whales get to shape the IC to suit themselves, and the emergence of parties (or cartels in combination with the above) with perpetual autofollows, are to me absolutely certain to materialise without structural change, if they have not come to pass already. Even without perpetual autofollows it seems to me that the whales could easily game the system, simply by themselves offering rewards for follows. Given their ICP dominance, they could easily manipulafe the market and the NNS to ensure those rewards become merely an operating cost guaranteeing them the rules to exorbitantly profit while keeping their followers satisfied, who would be happy to reconfirm as many times as they can to get the rewards.

Is it possible to map the current distribution of voting power? Iā€™d honestly be surprised if your concerns were not already true to an observable degree.

  1. Has been proposed by @wpb and accepted by the NNS a couple months ago, but still hasnā€™t been implemented.

  2. Wenzel proposed a better version thatā€™s cleaner and easier to implement: Proposal to Enable Manual Voting Throughout the Entire Voting Period of Governance Proposals

  3. Unfortunately there havenā€™t been any updates on this one for months, itā€™s a controversial topic and many in the community donā€™t like people parties, so it might take some time before we see an active discussion.

Iā€™m not sure, @Kyle_Langham knows more than me on this one.