Motion Proposals on Long Term R&D Plans

  1. Security Proofs - The Internet Computer is a complex beast that requires several non-standard cryptographic primitives to come together in order to provide its strong security guarantees. Provable security, also known as reductionist security, is a technique from theoretical cryptography where a new scheme, protocol, or system is mathematically proved to be secure as long as some precisely stated hardness assumptions hold. In this project, the Foundation will first provide security proofs for the IC’s core components, and then prove that the IC securely glues these components together to provide precisely stated security guarantees. Discussion lead: @gregory

I wonder if this could somehow also include the idea proposed here of a VM (i.e. WASM runtime) that can provide zero-knowledge proofs? I know the goal of this is more along the lines of formal verification, but it could be related.

Yes, this is exactly the kind of research questions that are in scope. I’ll comment in the thread you linked.