Mission: ckBTC - First Event September 25th

Hello, Internet Computer Explorers!

Today, I am briefing you on a new mission across the Internet Computer ecosystem.
Mission: ckBTC

Mission: ckBTC
Objective To onboard and educate explorers on ckBTC through engaging content and immersive real-world experiences at Bitcoin & Beyond events. Mission: ckBTC aims to simplify complex concepts, foster understanding of the ckBTC ecosystem, and empower individuals to confidently explore and leverage the benefits of ckBTC on Internet Computer Protocol.

All IC explorers are invited to join Mission: ckBTC and help others begin their journey into the world of ckBTC. The mission will continue to expand, with new videos, events, and challenges as we venture into the future of Bitcoin and ICP blockchain technology. The next stop: Bitcoin & Beyond: The Exploration Begins

Help us by following along and engaging with all the new ckBTC Explorers!

Social Channels

X - Mission: ckBTC
OpenChat - Mission: ckBTC
YouTube - Mission: ckBTC
DSCVR - ckBTC Portal

Led by Mission Comms

Bitcoin & Beyond: The Exploration Begins September 25th
(Bitcoin & Beyond: The Exploration Begins · Luma)

Mission Partners
Mission Comms
The Blockchain Sessions
Tall Tale
The Swop

Mission partner inquires contact: Kyle@MissionComms.Agency


I can’t wait! Looking forward to this and helping any way that I can. Let’s go!

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I’m excited to begin this new series! Greatly appreciate your support @Biebert!