Is the NNS UI team around? Suggestions/Requests


The thread started by @bjoern below hits on the use case for why I really, really want to be able to ManageNeuron from the NNS dApp as mentioned by @skilesare. It would enable more decentralized control of neurons such as I believe it requires allowing Followees to vote for ManageNeuron proposal topics from the NNS dApp, which I understand is easy. It also requires enabling any Followee to submit a ManageNeuron proposal, which I understand is much more difficult. We could probably get by using command line to submit ManageNeuron proposal topics, but the voting part is quite important since all Followees do not have command line skills. Ideally, this would work for a neuron without a controller so neuron management can only occur through the Manage Neuron proposal topic by the Followees. It would also be nice if it could be easily verified that there is no controller for the neuron from within the NNS dApp.

Incidentally, there is a configuration for neurons to designate them as a non-profit. I’d like to learn more about that feature and how to activate it, but have never seen any literature or discussion about it. I think that could also be an interesting feature to consider.