Thanks again Lara, I’d like take a moment to highlight some concerns I have while you’re reviewing how best to move forward with this.
I’ve been putting hard work, time and passion into Subnet Management reviews for a fairly long time now (prior to the grants kicking in). I’ve sampled my effective VP over time (both voting at the beginning and towards the end of the voting period). Once you discount Synapse (I’m a member of Synapse) there’s been no noticeable change in my follower-based-VP. I think this is important to note given that an important purpose of these grants so far has been:
- The funded neurons […] establish ways to convince potential followers that they do good work, for example by sharing how they verify and vote on proposals
- The NNS community […] gets to know new voting neurons that can be followed already now or taken into account when periodic confirmation is introduced
so that (most of) the funded neurons can move to the long-term solution for incentivising voting neurons when it is available
It’s important to discount Synapse’ influence. It holds a lot of VP, and has clear preferences about who to follow (it’s not unlikely that the current configuration will change soon if certain members continue to push their agent and have their way - Proposal: 134722, Proposal: 134654).
My concern is that once the transition to the long-term solution begins (reviewer rewards based on followership), incentivisation will drop, and the barrier to entry for anyone new will be too high and hard to break through. I don’t expect periodic confirmation to do anything but require users to click the easiest buttons for them once every 6 months (it takes hard work for people to change their behaviours and to research whether they should change who they follow - there’s no clear incentive for them to do this).
I have some suggestions about how to address this that I’d like to put to the community, which I’ll plan to post after work later, or in the next day or two. It would be interesting to see if anyone else shares my concerns first.