Awarded: - Bounty #32 - EVM Transactions - Motoko - $8,000


Isn’t signing the evm-transaction part of Assigned: Bounty #27a - NoKeyWallet - Motoko - up to $10k?

I’ve already implemented it in my Motoko library - at 474808c71ee7d275771a99c2df0d022d16430a8b · darkdrag00nv2/ · GitHub. It is very close to completion and only e2e testing is remaining.

That being said, it makes inter-canister calls to the evm-utility library for encoding/decoding/hashing as per your suggestion here. If we’re trying to avoid inter-canister calls, then it might make sense to implement it here in pure Motoko.
Otherwise @v1ctor can just use my library to sign the evm-transactions which will make async inter-canister call. May be I am missing something here :thinking: